Moral Attack on Families

Barron Co. Sex Pollution Resolution 


Whereas, the communist rules for revolution call getting the youth away from religion and interested in sex and sports.

Whereas, in Dr. W. Skousen's best seller, The Naked Communist, they call for the following:

#24 Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

#25 Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, TV, and radio.

#26 Present HOMOSEXUALITY, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy.

#40 Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

#17 Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations.  Put the party line in textbooks.

Whereas, FBI agent Julia Brown warns in her book, " I Testify", "to say the communist party encourages sexual immorality is to understate the facts: more appropriately may it be said the party demands it!...the party not only tolerates, not only encourages, it demands that members engage in illicit sex acts."

"I often wondered how women.....could so debase themselves..... The party tells them to recruit men, to hold men within the Party, to make them do the Party's bidding. The Party has their souls, their minds-it demands they give their bodies. They do." 

"Within the Party, the leaders can more easily control a membership that is morally depraved."  "Though the Party will sanction the marriage of a white female member to a Negro member, it does not favor a white male marrying a negro female".

Whereas, Joseph Stalin said, "America is like a healthy body and it's resistance is three fold: it's patriotism, it's morality, and it's spiritual life.  If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

Whereas, The godless Communists have declared, "WE are going to DESTROY the MORAL CHARACTER of a GENERATION of YOUNG AMERICANS, and when we have finished you will have NOTHING with which TO really DEFEND yourself FROM US."

                                          Ezra Taft Benson     1969    Former Sec. of Agriculture

Whereas, George Washington in his era said, "a decay of public virtue has fed the hopes of the enemy...cannot our common country, America, possess virtue enough to disappoint them?"

Be it resolved the Republican Party(of Barron County) will not support the candidacy of such individuals, who by their actions give aid and comfort to this domestic cause.

All of the above was read to the WI GOP Convention in 2010 as a candidate for Governor.   Except the quote by Sec. Benson.   Reinse Priebus was on stage to hear it all.   Neither him or the GOP did a thing about it, except change the leadership of Barron county and take it off their website.   Now things worse with genders, pronouns , and sex changes mutilating our children.   

The plan for the destruction of the family and thereby a free nation has always been the same.  From Al Capone in Chicago to the Kremlin in Moscow, the plan has been as outlined in this resolution. FBI agents have written and warned our people many times about the ICC-international criminal conspiracy...the communist Internationale.  These goals had great success in the 60's behind such agitprop slogans as: 1) God is dead. 2) make love,not war,and 3) If it feels good,do it.

Nations are conquered by direct attack or internal subversion. This is one key step in the plan.   Others can be found at   We may be facing a financial and political crisis in America, but they are only the result of a moral crisis. This resolution is represented by many fifth column politicians and citizens, regardless of party.   It has been part of the plan of  our Quisling President and his well as Rhino Republicans!

The famous Chinese general, Sun Tsu, said, in order to conquer a nation, you must first demoralize them.   Joseph Stalin said, "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three-fold: its patriotism, its morality, its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." What chose will you make in defense of our liberty, our families, and our nation?!

As a candidate for Governor in 2010, I presented this resolution at the state convention.  The WI GOP responded by using then candidate for Congress, Sean Duffy, as the hatchet man to replace our county party leadership and remove the resolution from the county website.   We were called "crazy right-wing Christians" by the new chairman.   Of course, they pray and take a pledge before all their meetings...and don't want anyone to know about this attack on our two founding pillars--religion and morality.  Democrats do the likewise; this resolution is what they stand for!!  Apparently some who call themselves Republican stand for the same things!