Memorial to Phyllis Schlafly

Post date: Sep 20, 2016 12:35:34 AM

A little over two weeks ago she turned 92.   Just a few days later she died.   Her funeral was last Saturday, attended by many famous mourners, among them Donald Trump and his wife. Over 50 years of activism brought her in contact with many of the rich and famous. Some were here at her annual Eagle Forum event at the St. Louis airport Marriott this weekend. On Constitution Day, the 17th, a memorial was held for her at 10 am.

Congressmen King of IA and Gohmert of TX spoke. Gen. Singlaub, more well known during the Reagan administration, flew in at 95! attend. He has been decorated for his service from WWII to Vietnam.

I had the privilege of shaking his hand and introducing myself to him as I do to fellow veteran officers: "1Lt. John Schiess, US Army Field Artillary, Vietnam 71". Teddy Roosevelt claimed his military rank(Col.) as his greatest accomplishment, so I do the same.

Shortly before she died, Phyllis experienced what is normal in many families, a division in her family and her Eagle organization that may have been related to her endorsement of Donald Trump. There was a truce for the weekend that some mildly disobeyed in this morning's meeting. Why couldn't they leave it alone one more day, the day of "peace"?

It did not take away from the greatness of this event, or the greatness of Phyllis Schlafly. She lead a normal "common" family over the years doing great things for the cause of liberty, virtue, and the American way. It can be said that her name was had for good and ill. She endured the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, even being spat upon...and given the finger of the communist left.

Phyllis was loved by patriots...and hated by the "enemy within" trying to destroy the foundations of the American family. She ran for Congress twice, but did not win.  But she sure made a difference.  She was successful in "single handedly" stopping ERA....and prepared the ground for the successes of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.  Phyllis knew well the "power brokers" and documented them in her book, "A Choice, Not an Echo".  The power brokers controlled the media.  That's why she was not as well known as she should have been.    

Years ago, I longed for her to be a candidate for US President. She was better than anyone we have seen since Ronald Reagan. Her position papers put out each month as the Phyllis Schlafly report provided all one would need to know to run for office on any issue. She should have been the first female President!

This Eagle organization leaves me in awe of the sacrifice and hard unrecognized work they do behind the scenes. As I have said before, they are holding their fingers in the dike of liberty, trying to keep our the flood of tyranny in our land. Phyllis and her "Eagles" have bought America time for over 50 years. Now we face what is most likely the last chance to preserve our liberties and form of Constitutional government.

Though I did not agree with her endorsement of Trump, I am not worthy to be her judge. There is no comparison between this and her great work over the many years. No one will ever match her. She has fulfilled a very special patriotic mission for her beloved Creator. While in the hospital on the Saturday before she died, Phyllis was working on her last Phyllis Schlafly report, written monthly for many years. How many of us will match such dedication?

I first met her in 1984 at Willamette University in Salem, OR where she was speaking. I was running for the first time...for US Senator against Sen. Mark Hatfield in the GOP primary. Though I did not win and came in second in a four way race, I made a difference. My success embarassed Sen. Hatfield enough that he could not fulfill a public call to be in the Presidency of the United States.

I also helped get the death penalty through in a liberal state! I am still waiting for "conservative" WI to do it. When the conservatives of the GOP saw my strong showing they attempted to start a new third party, but we were not given adequate time to organize enough electors. What a difference that "tea party" could have made by now!?

I have supported Eagle Forum for over 30 years, but never attended until three years ago. I should have been there much sooner. This is the place to get informed, find hope...and succeed.  At the end of the first one, I was able to walk up and wish her a slightly late happy birthday. I asked her if she remembered me!? 90 years old. "What, you couldn't", I said, "I remember it if though it was yesterday!"

I have not had the privilege of speaking with her since. Wish I had made a greater effort to do so.  Now that she is gone, what do we do now?   What do we do when we lose a beloved one, even a beloved parent?  We do what they would want us to do!  Though Phyllis Schlafly is now gone, her desires can be carried on. If you are not a member, join now!  She has laid down a solid groundwork for the future.  Her final words of advise might be: make a difference! something! it now!

There is the famous story of how George Washington was protected from harm to help found and lead a new nation. As stated at the memorial, she was a great modern day founder of the Constitution. Through the Hand of Providence, Phyllis and her organization accomplished great things, things that can only be faith. Surely, she will hear "well done, good and faithful servant". Her work has preserved liberty, virtue, and the American family.

A successful Wife, Mother, and Patriot.

She "lead with character".

Farewell to Phyllis Schlafly "until we meet again"!